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Welcome to the WikiSeminar arranged by the NetworkLawyers.

This WikiSeminar page is for planning the discussion and demonstration of how wikis and wiki pages work and of the various uses or applications that wikis and wiki pages have for lawyers and other legal professionals.

The WikiSeminar is one part of the six part seminar program that will be held by the NetworkLawyers' discussion group using the discussion list. The wiki seminar program, like the other parts of the seminar, will be conducted by exchanging messages in the Network-Lawyers list.

First steps

  1. Turn your loudspeakers on and start the Sound-File: Sound File (!) (You need a flash-player. Otherwise try this: MP3)

  2. Check out the experimental page where you can experiment with wiki editing: red_arror.gif WikiSandBox.

  3. You can make your own WikiHomepage, check out this: WikiHomepage(English).

See also the HelpIndex. Try out our Chat and click here (or connect with your IRC-client at irc.freenode.net1 to the channel #jurawiki.de)

How to subscribe by email to a wiki page

Where can I find out more about how to subscribe to a page which seems to be suggested on the HelpOnActions page.


Comment on audio and audio links

Hi Ralf, The audio is wonderful ... I am so delighted to hear your voice and will that I some day speak in German only half as well as you are now speaking in English. The link to the flash file loads without problem. I was able to use the MP3 as well. This is truly wonderful. JohnDeBruyn (January 13, 2004)

List & Wiki

JohnDeBruyn wrote in the introduction for the seminar, that it should be an "experiment in using a wiki (JuraWiki.de) and the list (Network-Lawyers@yahoogroups.com) in tandem with one complementing the other."

So we can try to collect important information distributet over the list here in the wiki.

For example:


WikiSeminar (zuletzt geändert am 2008-01-20 19:57:44 durch anonym)