Das Projekt “JuraWiki” wurde archiviert. Es ist weiterhin online, jedoch nicht mehr aktiv. Man kann also keine Seiten mehr bearbeiten und sich nicht mehr einloggen (außer man ist Mitglied der TrustedEditorGroup) oder sich neu registrieren. Alle Informationen, die Sie hier finden, sind also potenziell veraltet.


email: jdebruyn@debruyn.com

homepages at other wikis:

WardCunningham's Wiki JohnDeBruyn and a wiki hosted by WardCunningham for lawyers and accountants experimenting with the internet BridgesWiki:JohnDeBruyn This wiki was most active in 1997 through 1999 and the current activity is mainly with the BridgesWiki:LnetStatePages that are maintained by participants in the LNET-LLC discussion group mentioned below.

Current Projects

Moderator or co-moderator of English language email discussions for lawyers most from the United States

ABA-TAX with a home page at http://mail.abanet.org/archives/aba-tax.html about tax law and practice includes 1300 lawyers and accountants with some law professors

LNET-LLC with a home page at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lnet-llc about limited liability companies (like GmbHs), partnerships and corporations includes 350 participants mainly lawyers and law professors. This group maintains a series of 50 pages one for each state of the United States on LLC and partnership laws and resources at BridgesWiki:LnetStatePages

Network-Lawyers with a home page at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/network-lawyers for lawyers interested in technology and the internet includes 160 lawyers which has a weblog at http://netLs.blogspot.com



messages to me

Hi John, thank you for the flags. I found some further built-in flags in MoinMoin (see StartSeite). Our Help-Pages seems not to be up to date (see HelpOnSmileys) For the rest of the flags I started the initiative in the MoinMoinWiki: LanguageFlag. -- RalfZosel 2003-08-09 06:42:00

KategorieHomepage KategorieEnglish

JohnDeBruyn (zuletzt geändert am 2008-01-20 19:57:05 durch anonym)